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This page enables you to use the Sell Grade feature within GainsKeeper. The Sell Grade feature gives you the ability to make smarter sell decisions. In addition, you can use this page to simulate sells and see the impact to your portfolio at the current market price.
GainsKeeper's proprietary SellGrade ranks each lot in your portfolio (factoring in potential gain/loss, wash sales exposure and holding periods) helping you make better sell decisions. This tool factors in your tax rate and any previous loss carryforward to provide you with sophisticated personal portfolio analysis.
Use the SellGrade to the left of each lot to rank your holdings by tax impact, identifying the best "after-tax" sell decision. Since the SellGrade is calculated based on the data in your GainsTracker portfolio, the results are accurate and personalized - not an estimate based on approximate gains and losses. A SellGrade greater than 1.0 will save you tax dollars; a SellGrade of 1.0 is neutral and has no tax impact and a SellGrade less than 1.0 will cost you tax dollars.
Look for a red flag and a 'days till free' number next to your holdings. If present, this warns you that this lot will create a wash sale if sold, meaning the loss cannot be immediately recognized and must be deferred.
Model your sell ideas by simulating sells of a single holding or a group of holdings. By clicking the 'Simulate Sell' box, this tool will calculate your updated 2010 gain/loss and tax information. This tool gives you the tax effect before you trade. For instance, by waiting until a gain becomes long-term, you stand to pay a reduced rate on the gains - in some cases, nearly 15% in savings - the SellGrade will reflect this and rank your lots accordingly.
Click here to view an example of the GainsAdvisor: Sell Grade page.